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15 oct 2014

Divorce and Remarriage in the Old Testament: A Fresh Look at Deuteronomy 24:1-4. Richard Davidson

The wide range of OT passages related to the issues of divorce and remarriage includes at least six different Hebrew expressions referring to divorce occurring altogether some 27 times, plus several references to remarriage. Within the space constraints of this article I limit myself to the most seminal passage dealing with divorce and remarriage, Deut 24:1-4. I have found this passage to contain far-reaching implications for understanding NT passages on the subject and for properly recognizing the hermeneutical relationship between OT and NT divorce/remarriage legislation. In this fresh look at Deut 24:1-4 I will argue that crucial grammatical-syntactical and intertextual features of the legislation have been largely overlooked in previous studies of the passage, and that these features provides keys for understanding the continuity between the Testaments with regard to the subject of marriage and divorce.

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