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8 may 2014

The Best is yet to Come: A Vision for the Eschatological Remnant. Jon Paulien

They understand themselves to be a people that God has raised up at the end of time who keep His commandments and have the “testimony of Jesus”. But this traditional position has been losing ground in recent years. Increasing numbers of Seventh-day Adventists are unconvinced that the text can be focused so narrowly on a specific denomination and its beliefs at the end of time. And outreach efforts in the post-modern context have encountered more resistance to the remnant idea than to such traditional Adventist “testing truths” as the Sabbath, the state of the dead and tithing. I find the perception, even among students at the Seminary, that the very phrase “the remnant church” smacks of arrogance and exclusivity. In the evangelistic context, such an impression can become an immediate barrier to acceptance of the church and its teachings.

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